# InputNumber
# Basic
# Size
# InputNumber Size
# Disabled
# InputNumber Disabled
# step
# Range When the step size is a decimal, the accuracy is determined by the step size
# The tooltip
# Text Prompt You can run the isShowTip command to display text prompt
# InputNumber
params | explain | type | optional | default |
value/v-model | The bound value of the counter | number | --- | 0 |
min | Minimum value of counter | number | --- | -Infinity |
max | Maximum value of counter | number | --- | Infinity |
step | The length of the counter's steps (can be decimal) | number | --- | 1 |
size | Size of counter | string | large middle samll | small |
disabled | Whether to disable counters | boolean | --- | false |
precision | precision | number | --- | 1 |
isShowTip | Whether to display the following prompt text | Boolean | --- | false |
# InputNumber 事件
Event | explain | params |
change | Triggered when the binding value changes | oldVal newVal |
blur | Fired when the binding value changes fired when the component input loses focus | (event Event) |
focus | Fired when the component input gets focus | (event Event) |